Just one intake per day
Tuneable release profiles
just one capsule a day

Specific dose
Take with food
Take without food
Several times per day
At specific time(s) of the day
Combine or don’t combine with other supplement or drug
Each person has a different metabolism:
same dose or compound does not work the same in you as in you neighbor
APeT’s controlled delivery platform facilitates
food supplements and drugs to be taken only once a day

Advance Personalized Therapy

Have a strong influence on metabolism. FLOTEX-C is designed to correct metabolic problems.

FLOTEX-C can deliver drugs in tailored to the safest and most effective dosing regimen, with just one intake moment per day.

Can negatively influence metabolism, just like medication, food and genetics. This is all taken into account with APeT’s in-development diagnostics.
Get the right compound at the right time
Optional: tailored to your personal metabolism

Why Choose Us
APeT is a life science company specialised in:
- Inherited metabolic diseases
- Controlled drug delivery
- Clinical diagnostics
- Metabolic pathway analysis
APeT paves the way towards a personalised medicine with less side effects, improved efficacy and enhanced patient compliance, combined with a significant reduction of cost of healthcare.
In order to enable accurate personalised medicine, APeT is developing ground-breaking treatments and clinical diagnostics for metabolic, psychiatric and CNS diseases. In cooperation with the University of Groningen, APeT has developed a cutting-edge gastro-retentive controlled drug delivery technology platform for drugs and nutraceuticals.
With the University of Eindhoven, APeT is developing HUMETICS, a diagnostic metabolomics machine learning system that identifies unique metabolic patterns in a patient and provides potential treatment options. Drug treatments for ASD, ADHD and Parkinson’s disease are in clinical development.
ApeT’s technology can be applied to many other indications. Among others, ApeT is developing treatments for depression and sleep disorders.