- Other metabolic compounds targeting several psychiatric and metabolic diseases, nutraceuticals and CNS drugs
- Lab-on-a-Chip for diagnosis of metabolic and psychiatric diseases
- Development of biofluid diagnostics chip for urine and blood: reduction of analysis from a few hours (current standards) to a few minutes
- Strong reduction of cost price of analysis
- Results can be red instantaneously and can be connected to a secured analytical software system through the internet with a simple USB connected device for further analysis or storage in a patient file
- Other innovative diagnostics e.g. monoclonal and nanotech based
- Development of innovative nutraceuticals with e.g. anti-aging properties based on exclusive know-how
- Chronopharmacotherapy-chrononutrition. The time of drug intake determines patient outcome. ApeT is capable of making drugs that are liberated at the required times spread over the day
- Introduction of entirely new therapies based on circadian rhythms targeting with controlled delivery
A revolutionary diagnostics system, (metabolic diagnostics software model based on an artificial neural network (ANN)), enables real personalized medicine: fast and accurate diagnosis and more effective and safer treatment of diseases. Developed in cooperation with leading Dutch universities (Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam). Currently international universities (US, China, EU) are lining up to join the project. The network-based pathway analysis for human metabolic diagnostics (HUMETICS) links the metabolic profile of a patient to changes in the underlying metabolic network of cells and tissues affected by a disease.
The model will be able to:
- bring undiagnosed and rare diseases to light
- reveal the actual effect of a genetic mutation/gene variant
- identify unique diseased states in patients
- indicate the best possible way for personalized treatment (drugs, combinations of drugs, food and life style changes etc.)
- demonstrate the effect of a drug taken. This will:
- reveal the effects of medication on biochemical pathways reveal new drug targets
- enable possible quantification of compounds and effect of treatments
- enable adjustment of medication (e.g. personalized doses instead of standard amounts for age groups)
- improve and speed up drug development
- identify patients that respond well or not at all