Advisory Board
• Prof. Dr. H.W. Frijlink, head Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, University of Groningen (NL)
Prof. Erik Frijlink (1960, Meppel) has been professor in pharmaceutical technology and biopharmacy at the University of Groningen since 1998. Prior to this, he was head of the Pharmaceutical Development department at Solvay Pharmaceuticals. In his research, Frijlink focuses on new systems for pulmonary administration of drugs (inhalation), oral medication that targets its active agent in the intestines, the production of drug nano-crystals and the stabilization of biopharmaceuticals such as therapeutic proteins and vaccines. Frijlink is winner of the Astellas Basic Science Award 2008-2009 and the Wubbo Ockels Prize 2010.
• M.B.,B.S., M.Med.Sc., PhD. Aye Mu Myint (BE)
Dr Aye Mu Myint is one of the world leaders in the field of depression, schizophrenia and tryptophan metabolism. She is currently holding a visiting scientist position at the Ludwig-Maximillians University, Munich, Germany. She has developed several patented biomarker tests for psychiatric diseases. Dr Myint is leading and coordinating part of a large European grant on depression (“Mood in flame”), for which she raised 10 million euro.
• Prof. Dr. Peter Hilbers, head Department Biomodeling and Informatics, Eindhoven University of Technology (Tue) (NL)
Peter Hilbers is professor in large-scale computer simulations at the Department of Computing Science and professor in biomodeling and bio-informatics at the BioMedical Engineering Department both at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUe). He studied mathematics at the University of Groningen, where he also completed his PhD study on ‘Mapping of algorithms on processor networks’ in 1989. From 1989 till 1996, he worked at the Shell Laboratory in Amsterdam. He was appointed as a part-time professor at the Eindhoven University in 1993, and as a full professor in 1996. His main research interest is the application of computer science in the areas of biomedical technology, catalysis and polymer chemistry.
• Dr. Natal van Riel, Assistant Professor Biomedical Engineering, Computational Biology Eindhoven University of Technology (Tue) (NL)
Dr. Natal van Riel (1973) received his MSc degree in electrical engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology in 1995. In 2000, he obtained a PhD degree in molecular cell biology from Utrecht University for research on integrating computational modelling and experimental work to study complex biochemical networks. He leads the Computational Systems Biology research program at the TUe, investigating complex, multi-factorial human diseases. His research expertise includes mathematical modelling, identification (parameter estimation) and analysis (sensitivity analysis) of biological systems. He supervises PhD students working on systems biology of metabolism and metabolic diseases. Research related to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes is funded by the Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI, Netherlands Consortium for Systems Biology), Centre for Translational Molecular Medicine (CTMM, Netherlands), as well as (pharmaceutical) industry. He is member of the advisory committee of the Netherlands Consortium for Systems Biology
• Prof. dr. Renger Witkamp, Nutrition & Pharmacology, Wageningen University, NL)
Professor Renger Witkamp (1959) studied biology and pharmacy at the Utrecht University (NL). He obtained his pharmacist degree in 1987 and started his career as pharmacist/lecturer at the Veterinary Faculty of the Utrecht University, which was combined with his PhD training on experimental pharmacokinetics. After his PhD, he continued as assistant professor and later as associate professor at the Utrecht University, until 1996. Subsequently he moved to TNO, the Netherlands’ Organization for Applied Research, where he held several scientific and managerial positions. In 2006, he became professor in nutrition and pharmacology at Wageningen University, which at that time was a newly established academic chair. His group focuses in teaching and research on concepts and applications at the interface between food and pharma, including medical nutrition and drug-nutrient combinations. Research is predominantly directed at further elucidating the actions of plant cannabinoids and endocannabinoids on inflammatory processes and eating behaviour. Practical applications of this program include muscle preservation during chronic disease and intestinal disorders.
• Prof. François J. M. Eyskens, MD, PhD, head department Metabolic Disorders in children (University Hospital of Antwerp, BE). Center of Inherited Metabolic Diseases, Metabolic Lab (PCMA vzw).
François Eyskens, born in 1959, did his medical studies at the University of Antwerp. After his training at the child hospital in Antwerp, he became a pediatrician in 1989. His training in metabolic diseases took place in the Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis, Utrecht (NL). Since 1987, he is involved in the neonatal mass screening program in Antwerp, part of the Flemish government program for inborn errors (Provinciaal Centrum voor Metabole Aandoeningen (PCMA)). In 1997, he obtained his degree of Doctor in Medical Sciences (PhD) defending his thesis “Neonatal Screening – The Experience in Antwerp”. He is working as a chief of clinics in pediatrics at the University Hospital of Antwerp (UZA) and coordinates the Center of Metabolic Diseases (CEMA) located at the sites of UZA and ZNA. He is an authority in the field of inborn errors and is the executive director of the PCMA vzw, the laboratory where the analysis of metabolic compounds is performed. He is an associated professor at the University of Antwerp (Dept of Medicine; Laboratory of Experimental Medicine and Paediatrics). He is married to Dr. Annik Simons, a child and youth psychiatrist specialized in feeding disorders, and has three children. Specific domains of interest and research are screening for inherited metabolic diseases, organic acidurias, lysosomal storage diseases and cognitive disturbances due to metabolic diseases.